Monday, April 11, 2011

Why vote for the Bloc Quebecois ? Le Québec ou le Canada ne peut pas être séparé de quelque chose qui ne peut pas être divisée. Il y'a toujours nous, les autochtones.

Long before the English, and long before the French ever arrived on this land, there was the anishinaabe. The original People. This land cannot be divided. There is no distinct society. We are all guests here. The land belongs to no one. Don't worry Canada, don't worry Quebec, the Anishinaabe will never let this land be split apart.


Anonymous said...

Good Point.

Burt said...

What the heck is anishinabe ?

Jessie said...

Anishinabe are indigineos people that were the first to arrive to Canada. They had this land long before the western civilization. They were fist nations who believed seperation among territories was not needed. I hope this helped :)

I agree with this website but it didnt answer my question.