Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Latest Poll in Canada Election : Conservatives hold 10-point lead, NDP gains in B.C.

The latest results from pollster Nanos Research released Friday showed the Conservatives with a steady hold on the lead they have maintained for much of the election.

Following are the results at the end of a three-day tracking period ending Thursday night.

Conservatives: 38.7 per cent
Liberals: 28.8 per cent
New Democrats: 18.6 per cent
Bloc: 9 per cent
Green Party: 3.7 per cent

The new poll shows the NDP's support is growing in B.C., where the party is up to 23 per cent, up from a low point of around 12 per cent in the province earlier in the campaign.

Harper the clear winner in Scottish Language Debate.

Headline from Election 2015. "Harper is clear winner in Scottish Language Debate."

According to Census forecasts the Scottish within Canada will surpass the French, followed closely by the Irish.

Canadian Population Forecast 2015:

English 22.7%
Scottish 17.2 %
Irish 16.6 %
French 16.1%

Inhabited since pre-history by indigenous aboriginal peoples, the first Scottish emigration to Canada come from as early as 1010 AD when Vikings arrived in modern Newfoundland carrying Scottish slaves. It was not until around the 1500s, however, that recorded European exploration came, with English and French expeditions, led by John Cabot (Italian) and Jacques Cartier respectively, arriving on the Atlantic coast. By the early 1600's permanent settlements had been established in Port Royal and Quebec.

Today's Headline : Francophone group angered by Quebec-only debate questions

OTTAWA — A group representing francophone communities outside Quebec says it is outraged that organizers of Wednesday night's French-language debate excluded questions from French-speakers living outside la belle province.
The Federation des communautes francophones et acadienne du Canada says it is "astonished" the media consortium chose to ignore 2.5 million francophones and francophiles living in nine provinces and three territories to focus instead, on a Quebec-only debate.
The FCFA said it feels that CBC/Radio-Canada and TVA "forgot . . . that they have national mandates" and that it was "simply unacceptable" to not include at least one question from francophone views outside Quebec.
"We know that French-speaking citizens in Ontario, Acadia, Western Canada and the territories sent questions, but obviously none of these questions were selected," FCFA president Marie-France Kenny said in a statement.
"The two moderators also could have and should have asked questions of interest for all francophones in Canada instead of constantly bringing the focus back on Quebec. We have the right to a national debate that speaks to us.
"It's unimaginable that they would close the door in the face of the people who make up 14 per cent of Canada's French-speaking population."
Consortium spokesman Marco Dube said the group received more than 11,000 questions — including some from outside Quebec — but chose six topics that represented "vast and encompassing" subjects to allow for broader discussions.
"We decided to favour the subject matter rather than where the questions were coming from," Dube told Postmedia News.
"Could we have done better? Probably," he said.

Quebec to experience most rapid demographic decline of all industrialized countries

A group of concerned Quebeckers has raised the alarm about the province’s rapidly deteriorating population demographic. The group, led by former Premier Lucien Bouchard, warned, “Unless there is a sudden upturn in the birth rate—which is unlikely—it will take exceptional dynamism for Québec to maintain its place on the continent.”

Referring to itself as a country, Clear-Eyed Vision of Quebec ( acknowledged that “Quebec is about to experience the most rapid demographic decline of all industrialized countries, with the exception of Japan.” The group also said the province would experience a whopping 50 percent reduction in the real growth rate of the GDP in the next decade.

At a press conference Wednesday, one member, economist Pierre Fortin, said the lopsided demography of an aging Quebec will lead to an added $6 billion per annum in health care costs, coupled with a $5 billion loss in revenue because of labour shortages. He warned that the trend is irreparable: “It is written in the sky.” By 2025, Fortin said there would be two workers for every retiree. “The aging population will tear Quebec apart.”

“Unfortunately, most [Quebeckers] continue to deny or ignore the danger, and this is cause for deep concern,” the group stated in its report. “That’s the peculiarity of the current situation: the danger does not appear imminent but rather as a long slow decline. At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be any risk. But once it begins, the downward slide will be inexorable.”

By 2050, the population of Quebec will have grown by 300,000 to 7.8 million, while the rest of North America will have increased to 1.2 billion, “most of them English and Spanish speakers. This demographic decline comes at the worst possible moment, as Western countries cope with never-before-seen competition from Asian countries, especially China and India,” they added.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

NDP Official Opposition to Harper Majority ??

Seems everyone I talk to is hoping for a Conservative Majority with Jack Layton's NDP forming the Official Opposition. Could this be possible ? I never thought so but after watching the debates I think it could happen. What has happened to the Liberals ? I guess people still remember the Sponsorship Scandal and every time the Liberals mention "Scandal" it only reminds them of their own. How they spent $100,00,000 for nothing and most of the money probably ended up in Separatist hands. Did we ever get that money back ? I don't think we did. A lot of the same Liberal characters then are the same Liberal characters we have now. So the NDP look like a good choice for Official Opposition I guess. Canadians would like to see the Bloc and the rest of the Liberals to just go away. Good bye. Maybe in 4 years we'll forget the Sponsorship Scandal. Still too fresh in our memories. Welcome to Ottawa Jack.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Why vote for the Bloc Quebecois ? Le Québec ou le Canada ne peut pas être séparé de quelque chose qui ne peut pas être divisée. Il y'a toujours nous, les autochtones.

Long before the English, and long before the French ever arrived on this land, there was the anishinaabe. The original People. This land cannot be divided. There is no distinct society. We are all guests here. The land belongs to no one. Don't worry Canada, don't worry Quebec, the Anishinaabe will never let this land be split apart.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Maybe if all the Global Warming Fanatics stopped driving their cars, we could stop Global warming.

Every time I hear someone argue that we need to do more to slow or stop Global Warming or Climate Change I ask them .... "What do you drive ?" And they run away. I wonder why ? If you have a problem with the Oil Sands, dirty Oil and importing Oil from Terrorist States stop driving. Its that simple. And that is what I have done. You can too.

We do NOT need a Military. We do not want WAR.

We do NOT need a military. We do NOT need War. What we need are Leaders who will sit down with our enemies and figure out why we are enemies. Love your enemy and be good to those who persecute you. Love your enemy and there is no enemy. John Lennon says : If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace.
Harper sings John Lennon's Imagine.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Oil Sands, Surplus and War.

The largest Oil Sands Project was started under Liberal Government, remember Paul Martin and Jean Chretien ?
Canadians went to War in Afghanistan under Liberal Government, remember Paul Martin and Jean Chretien ?
The Surplus was created by Liberals overtaxing Canadians, and downloading Health Care and other costs to the Provinces, remember Paul Martin and Jean Chretien ?

The Conservatives were maintaining a Balanced Budget and paying down the debt until the Global recession hit and
the prospect of a Liberal /NPD/Quebec Separatist Government forced Harper to SPEND BILLIONS of our money
(Tax dollar Surplus) on infrastructure programs.

As a Fiscal Conservative Harper did not want to spend this money until Jack Layton, Gilles Duceppe and Dion-Ignatieff-Ray Forced him to.

Remember ? I do.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ignatieff accepts One-on-One debate hosted by Rick Mercer

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff has accepted an offer from comedian Rick Mercer to take part in a one-on-one debate with Conservative Leader Stephen Harper.

Harper has yet to respond to the popular television personality, who mused on his Twitter account on Friday night about moderating a debate between the two leaders.

Harper had earlier spoken about the possibility of a one-on-one debate, but then distanced himself from the idea and said he accepts the judgment of the broadcast network consortium to have two four-leader debates.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Ignatieff wants a One on One debate with Harper.

I Agree, this is a great idea.
Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff did his best to ensure the debate about the debates remained open Friday when he issued an open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper urging him to accept the challenge of a two-man debate.
"You will recall that when you issued your challenge, I immediately responded, accepting with enthusiasm," Ignatieff wrote.

The following debates should also take place:

2. Harper vs Layton
3. Harper vs May

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Where does Iggy stand on the Political Spectrum ? Centre ? Extreme Right ? Is he an American Hawk ?

On the Political Spectrum is Michael Ignatieff further to the right than Stephen Harper ?

Is he a true American Hawk ?

Since his election to Parliament, Ignatieff has been one of the few opposition members supporting the minority Conservative government's commitment to Canadian military activity in Afghanistan.

He argued that the Afghanistan mission tests the success of Canada's shift from "the peacekeeping paradigm to the peace-enforcement paradigm," ??????

Following the vote, Harper shook Ignatieff's hand.

Peace-Enforcement ? Really ? Tell me Mr. Ignatieff, Mr Harper, how do these two terms work together ? Peace means sitting down with people and working to come to a peaceful solution. Not dropping bombs and killing innocent people.

Supporting the war in Iraq was a mistake, Liberal MP Michael Ignatieff has written in an article for the New York Times Magazine : "The unfolding catastrophe in Iraq has condemned the political judgment of a president," Ignatieff writes in a reference to U.S. President George Bush.

"But it has also condemned the judgment of many others, myself included, who as commentators supported the invasion."

Ignatieff said he started supporting the war after speaking with an Iraqi friend who told him freedom in the country could only come once Saddam Hussein was ousted and his regime came to an end.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm comfortable with the way things are. Election a Big Waste of money.

Word on the street is that Canadians are pretty happy with the way things are going. No need to make a change. So what does that mean for the Harper Government ? Probably more of the same. Unless people actually vote the way they are saying they will vote in our Poll. If that is the case then Harper will win with a Huge Majority. Maybe the numbers will drop. We'll see.

Is Canada ready for 5 more years of Harper ? How about a Majority.

Well, I've been looking over the Budget and it looks like a lot of good things in there for young families, Seniors, and just about everyone else. I think that if the Opposition brings down this government over this Budget they are toast. I have a feeling that Jack Layton will try to make a deal to avoid an Election that will surely mean a Harper Majority. Take a look at what's in the Budget and you will probably agree.

Will the Bloc Québécois disappear this Election ?

Yes, Gilles is correct, our Poll shows a Big Zero for the Bloc Quebecois. Maybe he is right.
This may be the Election that sees the Bloc disappear. Maybe.

Oui, Gilles est correcte, notre sondage montre un gros zéro pour le Bloc québécois. Peut-être qu'il est exact. C'est peut-être l'élection qui voit le Bloc disparaître. Peut-être.

65 % of people who Voted on this Blog want a Conservative Government in Canada.

Will it be another Minority or a Majority this time around ? Will Harper make some sort of mistake the week before the polls open ? Who knows. Stay tuned -

Young Families will probably give Harper a Majority.

If you are a young parent with 3 or 4 children you will probably be voting Conservative. Why ? $100/month per child under 6, Sports Tax Credits, Arts Tax Credits, Music Tax Credits, Transit Tax credits, Cut in GST. If you are a Canadian parent who is spending money on their children you have realized the enormous benefits of the Conservative Agenda. I remember waiting for the Liberal Day Care Strategy, and waiting and waiting, only to see millions of dollars being spent on studies and reports.

Who wants to spend 300 million dollars on an Election ????? Not me.

What an election costs:

Political change doesn't come cheap in Canada. Aside from the millions raised by political parties to fuel their campaigns, there's the cost of the electoral process and millions in reimbursements to parties and candidates - borne by the taxpayer.

The cost of the 2006 election was slightly less than the 2004 election, $270 million, compared to $277 million.

But the number is up significantly from $200.6 million in 2000. That's because changes to the election financing laws in 2004 significantly altered the way those reimbursements are done and increased the cost of holding an election. Here's a comparison of what Elections Canada spent on the 2000 and 2006 elections:

Spring federal election likely ! But do Canadians want one ????

Opposition parties won't support the budget as it stands
All three opposition parties say they do not support the budget presented by the Conservatives, and they plan to vote against it unless big changes are made.

No surprise from Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff, who had previously said the Liberals would vote against the budget.

Ignatieff says he's disappointed with the government's plan. "It's spending more on one day of the G8/G20 Summit than it's spending on helping seniors out of poverty in a whole year. There's nothing on affordable housing. There's nothing on child care."

He says there aren't enough details. "This is a government that doesn't seem to be listening to what Canadian families are telling us. And there's no credible deficit reduction plan because there's a black hole in the middle of this budget. They don't tell you what the prisons are going to cost, they don't tell you what the tax cuts are going to cost."

Poll: Canadians do not want an Election.

Canadians do not want more of our Tax dollars being wasted on an Election. Many Canadians will be angry and Vote Harper a Majority Government. Is this really what we want ? I guess the answer is yes. You can bookmark this page and come back and tell me I was right.