Friday, April 8, 2011

Oil Sands, Surplus and War.

The largest Oil Sands Project was started under Liberal Government, remember Paul Martin and Jean Chretien ?
Canadians went to War in Afghanistan under Liberal Government, remember Paul Martin and Jean Chretien ?
The Surplus was created by Liberals overtaxing Canadians, and downloading Health Care and other costs to the Provinces, remember Paul Martin and Jean Chretien ?

The Conservatives were maintaining a Balanced Budget and paying down the debt until the Global recession hit and
the prospect of a Liberal /NPD/Quebec Separatist Government forced Harper to SPEND BILLIONS of our money
(Tax dollar Surplus) on infrastructure programs.

As a Fiscal Conservative Harper did not want to spend this money until Jack Layton, Gilles Duceppe and Dion-Ignatieff-Ray Forced him to.

Remember ? I do.


Anonymous said...

A little simplistic.

Gilles LeCanard said...

Simplistic. But True.

Le Canard enchaîné said...

J'aime ca beaucoup ! Vive le Quebec Libre.

Anonymous said...

What ? Harper started the Oil sands and War in Afghanistan and created the Surplus. Are you trying to rewrite History ????

Rick said...

Anonymous. Harper did not create the Surplus. Paul Martin did. He was a Liberal and the Liberals built up Huge Surpluses year after year after year until Bob Ray joined the party.